6 Surprising Outcomes of Counting Calories

The most recent post about 3 Places to Find Motivation really had me stuck in my past. When I took my own advice and seriously considered things I used to do that helped me feel my best, there was one thing that came to mind: counting calories.

This week I’m weighing in on counting calories because it is essential on the journey to get fit. Before you can make changes to what you’re eating, you have to know what you’re eating.

I know that it might sound a little nerdy, but I really did count every single calorie that I consumed for about two years. However, I can assure you that it wasn’t as intimidating as it sounds. I simply used the My Fitness Pal app to keep track of the calories I consumed as well as the calories I used. After that last post, I was inspired to start counting those calories again, and I haven’t missed a morsel. Over the past few days, I’ve realized that there are six outcomes of counting calories that may catch you by surprise.

1. You’ll want to move more.

When you initially sign on with My Fitness Pal, they ask you a ton of questions to get to know what you’re hoping to accomplish; they want to help you meet your fitness goals. Then they’ll let you know how many calories you’ll need to consume each day in order to reach those goals. If you also log your exercise (or link a fitness tracker), your calorie count will be readjusted, and you’ll be inspired to move more just to see the numbers change.

2. You’ll start thinking about portion sizes.

If you want to get an accurate calorie count, you’ll need to enter the correct portion sizes when you add your meals. It won’t take long for you to be completely astounded by portion sizes. In some cases, you’ll learn that the portion sizes of some foods are much smaller than you think is appropriate. In other cases, the portion sizes are much larger than you can eat. You might even start making different choices about food based on what you’re logging in the My Fitness Pal app.

3. You’ll consider options with fewer calories.

When you realize that some serving sizes are rather small, you’ll have to make a decision: are you going to eat the foods that might cause you to go over your calorie limit or will you eat something else that’s perhaps a bit healthier and just as tasty, but with fewer calories? If you’re anything like me, you’ll go with option 2…or at least eat half of option 2.

4. You’ll realize which foods you need to limit or eliminate.

Before I started counting calories again, I knew that I had an unhealthy relationship with sugar, but counting calories has really caused me to see just how much refined sugar I eat. I’m starting to see that I need to replace sugary foods with natural sweets like apples and oranges. When you start counting calories, I’m sure you’ll notice some trends in terms of foods you need to cut back on or foods you need to add.

5. You’ll probably start planning your meals.

While you’re trucking along taking care of business, you might have a day or two where you don’t log your calories right away. As soon as you log what you had for dinner, you realize that you are dangerously close to going over your limit for the day. In order to make sure that doesn’t happen again, you might start planning your meals in advance. That way you’ll at least know your calorie baseline for the day.

6. You’ll think twice about mindless snacking.

When you have to log every morsel of food that you eat, even samples at the grocery store, you might not be so willing to snack on those samples…regardless of how enticing they are.

Hopping on the Scale!
Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

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