Creating an Exercise Regimen

4 Tips for Creating an Exercise Regimen

One of the most challenging things to do when starting your fitness journey is figuring out your exercise regimen, as in what are you supposed to do. You may know what you need to do, but you don’t have much experience in creating an exercise regimen.

The first month of 2020 is over in a little over a week! If you’re reading this post, that means you made a commitment to get fit this year.

Here are four quick tips for creating a manageable and realistic exercise regimen.

Tip #1: Be True to Yourself

This is super important. There are a ton of fitness trends out there. If you do a little research on the best or most effective types of exercise, you’ll find support for nearly everything.

Some will sing the praises of Zumba Fitness. There will be strong advocates for hitting the weight room. Others will say that CrossFit is what’s best. Then there’s the group that’s in favor of pounding pavement, and running for weight loss.

It may sound hard to believe, but all of them are right…for themselves. However, what works for them might not work for you.

To create an exercise regimen that you’ll stick with, it is super important for you to be true to yourself and your interests. If you despise running, avoid joining a program geared to race preparation. Don’t sign up for a dance fitness class if you hate dancing…even if all of your friends are begging you to join then.

Find out what you like to do and create your exercise regimen based on that.

Tip #2: Be Specific

It’s also crucial to know exactly what you want your outcome to be. In the words of Steve Covey, “Begin with the end in mind.” In other words, you need to know your outcomes, or desired results, before you begin creating that regimen.

Creating an exercise regimen without knowing your outcomes is like planning a vacation with no destination.

Tip #3: Start Small

Doing something small every day will pave the way for creating an exercise regimen.

A common mistake people make when attempting to create an exercise regimen is either to work out nearly every day of the week or to really long and intense exercise sessions. Quite honestly, there’s nothing wrong with either of those pursuits. However, they should probably serve as the end goal rather than a starting point.

It’s better to start small. Aim for ten minutes of exercise twice a week that first week. It might not sound like much, but those small successes will feel like major victories.

Tip #4: Be Consistent

If you haven’t exercised in a while, you’re going to need to discipline yourself. You’ll have to work out when you simply don’t want to.

The keys to success here it to keep it at it until it becomes second nature.

Need Some Help?

Creating an exercise regimen is a lot like creating a healthy habit. By clicking “5 Steps fo Creating a Habit” when you complete the form below, you will be well on your way!

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

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