Three Amazing Benefits of Fitness Challenges

Three Amazing Benefits of Fitness Challenges

Did you know that there are three amazing benefits of fitness challenges?

Lately, I’ve been obsessed with fitness challenges. I introduced the 28 for 28 Challenge last month. Before that, I did a Firm It Up Challenge, although I didn’t mention it here. Sunday, I mentioned the March 2023 Flexibility Challenge that starts today!

About a week ago, I did a quick Google search because I wasn’t sure what I wanted my March challenge to be. I was surprised to see that there were a ton of fitness challenges out there. Although I didn’t opt for one of the challenges I saw, I couldn’t help but wonder why in the world there were so many fitness challenges.

Then it hit me: no one wants to do anything alone. I mean that’s precisely why I invited people to join my flexibility challenge.

When I thought about it a bit more, I realized there are three amazing benefits of fitness challenges .

Benefit #1: Community

We were built for community. Even the most introverted person needs to be around people every now and again. The same is true in the fitness world. People go to the gym, join teams and attend fitness class because they’re not alone.

It’s the same reason why people join fitness challenges: they want to do great thing and meet their fitness goals, but they want some help along the way. Even if they don’t meet in real life, people who participate in the same fitness challenges have a special camaraderie and build a sense of community. They can relate to one other.

Benefit #2: Accountability

Because there’s a built in community within fitness challenges, people will notice if you go silent or stop showing up. They may tease you or give you a hard time, but it’s all in good fun. As the saying goes, “misery loves company,”, so they want you to suffer with them.

The fact that you’re participating in a fitness challenge may actually encourage you to keep pushing and not miss a day because it feels like they’re watching. And you don’t want to let the team down.

Benefit #3: Contagious Success

When it comes to fitness challenges that have a strong sense of community and accountability, there is a great deal of posting and sharing personal success. When you see the success of those around you, it makes you strive for success.

Sometimes you want to catch up with them. Other times you want to surpass them. In all cases, seeing the success of other is something that spurs you on to be better.

Go All In

In order for you to get the most out of fitness challenges, you HAVE to go all in! Post your successes and your failures. Comment of other people’s post. Encourage those who started the journey but have been missing in action.

Whether you find the perfect fitness challenge online, create your own challenge or join me for my March 2023 Flexibility Challenge, do it full scale.

If you do want to join my Flexibility Challenge, please use the social media links below to register. Please note: since it’s alive stream class, the link will be different every day. However, you will get to participate for free all month if you use the student code…which won’t change.

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s success!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

Three Reasons You Should Listen to Your Body

Three Reasons You Should Listen to Your Body

Nearly a month ago, I introduced the 28 for 28 Challenge. I announced that my goal was to swim for 28 minutes every day in February. After my first week, I had to stop. I got really sick, and I learned that there are three reasons you should listen to your body.

The last thing I wanted to do was stop swimming. For seven days in a row, I’d woken up at 3:15 am in order to get to the Y, by 4:30 for my swim. I was developing a habit and feeling really proud of myself.

But something happened on Day 8. I could not get out of bed. It’s not like I just popped out of bed on the previous seven days, but I didn’t have it in me. So I slept in, and made plans to swim later that day. Unfortunately, as the day progressed, I felt worse and worse.

I was a sniffling, sneezing, runny nose mess, so there was no way I would be able to swim. In fact, I couldn’t swim for the next five days.

Motivated young woman pulling a red banner with success word overcoming a failure

Feeling Like a Failure

Needless to say, I felt like a failure. I was really disappointed that I couldn’t push through. I should have been able to make it.

Then it occurred to me that what I considered a failure was actually a major success. Why? Because I listened to my body.

That got me thinking about why that’s so important, and I came up with three reasons you should listen to your body.

Reason #1: Prevent Injury

When I was in college, my dad injured the same shoulder several times. One injury was the result of his job as a letter carrier. I’m not sure if that one could have been prevented. However, the other one was completely preventable.

My dad was known for being a sprinter. There were a few teenaged boys who challenged him to a race. He was in his late forties or early fifties at the time. In his own words, he knew that he had “no business racing a group of kids”. However, he chose to ignore what his body was telling him. As a result, he fell and injured his shoulder.

There are definitely times when it’s okay to push through. Sometimes we definitely need to challenge our fitness levels. However, if you’re thinking that you should hold back or avoid doing something: that just might be your body’s way of helping you prevent an injury.

Reason #2: Promote Healing

Did you know that too much activity simply isn’t good for you? If you were to do a simple google search, it wouldn’t take long for you to find thousands of articles illustrating that point.

Sometimes when you’re not feeling your workout, especially if you’re recovering from injury or getting over an illness, it could be your body’s way of letting you know that you need to take a little time to heal. It would re ally be a great idea to listen.

Reason #2: Preserve Rest

Sometimes I over do it. I’m committed to getting my own forty-five minutes of fitness, even on days when I teach multiple classes. I also work on new content for my classes each week, which requires more exercise.

Maybe that’s not something you can relate to, but I’m sure you might over do things, too. Maybe you go through seasons where you stay up too late, but you still wake up really early the next day. Or there’s so much going on that you get caught in the cycle of eating too much junk food or not eating at all.

During those time when we overdo it, we may still be committed to fitness. So we opt to workout, when we’re really too tired to do so.

It’s possible that our exhaustion is a signal from our body’s that we should take the time to get the rest that we need.

Being Good Listeners

Listening to your body isn’t always easy. Especially when you’re being prompted sit down and not do anything. The alternative is much worse. Pushing though when you need to stop, returning to activity before you’ve fully recovered or not getting adequate rest are all detrimental to our health. Ignoring our body’s messages about slowing down could result in permanent injury. No one wants that.

We have to learn how to listen…even if it means we won’t be able to meet an original goal. We’ll just have to revise the goal.

As for my 28 for 28 Challenge, I’m still in it. I had to double up a few days last week, but I’m all caught up now. I won’t swim 28 minutes every day, but it will average out. Hopefully, I won’t miss anymore days this month. But if my body lets me know I need to rest again, you better believe, I’m going to listen.

What about you?

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s success!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

How One Healthy Decision Creates Three Amazing Outcomes

How One Healthy Decision Creates Three Amazing Outcomes

If you haven’t been here long, you may not know that I believe that life is all about choices. The decisions we make are a direct result of those choices. And our lives are a reflection of those choices. I recently discovered how one healthy decision creates three amazing outcomes.

I’ll explain what I mean when I say “healthy decision” because those words could mean different things to different people. I’m pretty sure that all of us know what it means to make a decision However, it’s the word “healthy” that may be a bit confusing or ambiguous.

In short, when I use the word “healthy”, I’m referring to anything that has to do with your personal health. It could be financial health, mental health, physical health or nutritional health.

So when I say “healthy decision”, I mean an intentional choice to do something that will positively impact your health. However, it could also be an intentional choice to stop doing something that negatively impacts your health.

The Background

In October of 2022, I made a decision to drink more water. At the time, I had a half gallon jug that I carried pretty much everywhere. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, I hadn’t consumed much water. I felt like such a hypocrite. I was ALWAYS talking about drinking more water. But I wasn’t doing what I told others to do.

I won’t get too deep into the steps I took, but I figured it out. I can’t say that I drink half a gallon of water every day, but I do drink way more water than I did last fall.

That one healthy decision – to drink more water – has created three outcomes that I didn’t expect. First, I’ll tell you what I looked like for me. Then I’ll explain how it could look for you.

Fitness background with bottle of water, apple, dumbbells, nuts, and tape measure on pink table

More Movement

Initially, the idea of drinking half a gallon of water each day was intimidating, but now it’s extremely attainable. Since I met that goal, I looked for more ways to challenge myself. I decided on a movement goal: 45 minutes of personal exercise each day.

I’m a fitness instructor who teaches six to eight classes, but when I’m teaching I’m not exercising. That’s not my time.

Finding time to get my personal workout done is impossible. I have to MAKE the time, to wake up early or move things around in my schedule to get it done. There are times when it doesn’t happen, but most of the time, it does.

More Rest

When I decided to get more exercise, I realized that would only happen if I woke up earlier eat day. That meant I would have to go to bed a little earlier, so I could wake and exercise at the beginning of the day.

Sleeping in means I won’t have time to work out early. If I don’t make time in the morning, I can almost guarantee that it won’t happen for me later in the day.

Because I know what time I need to get up in order to get to the gym in time for my swim or get out the door for my run, I know that I have to be in bed by a certain time in order for me to get the amount of sleep that I need. So I’m actually getting more rest than I did this time a year ago, even a few months ago.

Better Food Choices

Since I’m exercising more, I’m actually a lot hungrier than I have been, and that makes sense. I’m burning more calories, so my body needs more fuel to sustain itself. I find that I’m gravitating toward foods that are rich in fiber, anti-inflammatory and full of nutrients.

I want foods that are going to stick with me not bring my energy levels up way high before sending them crashing down. I’m not saying that I never eat junk food, but I’m more interested in the good stuff nowadays.

Will It Work For You?

If you had sat me down a few back in November and told me that I come mid-February, I’d be experiencing a snowball effect healthy outcomes based on my decision to drink more water, I wouldn’t have believed you. I think it will work for you to.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that if you decide to drink more water, you will have the exact same three positive outcomes that I have.

I am saying that positive healthy choices propel you forward and provide stepping stones that snowball into other things.

For example, suppose your healthy decision is to spend one less hour scrolling through social media each night. Maybe you use the extra time to pick up a hobby that you put down . That could lead to a clearer mind and better self-awareness.

The outcomes aren’t the focus; it’s the healthy decision that starts the ball rolling.

So figure it out. What’s that one healthy decision you’ve been putting off? Take care of that. Focus on that decision and only that decision. Before long, you’ll find yourself surrounded by more positive outcomes than you can count.

As always, I’m here to help if you need me.

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s success!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

Can I Eat After 8:00 pm?

Is it okay to eat after 8:00 pm?

I was always that if you eat after 8:00 pm, you’ll gain weight. Your body simply won’t have time to burn off the calories before you go to sleep.

As a result, I went to bed without eating quite often. However, I’d wake up between 11 pm and 2 pm, ravenously hungry. Then head to the kitchen to get something to eat, not caring where the calories went. I should note that eating after 8:00 pm didn’t cause me to gain weight.

Who Placed Deadlines on Daily Meals?

I’m not sure who came up with the magical time of 8:00 pm for evening meals to cease. I’m guessing it was a dietician or doctor who conducted a study. I would bet that the findings were for a specific group of people. It probably also had something to do with when people went to bed.

Someone probably took those results and applied them to the general population. Because the statement was backed by science, people assumed it had to be true for all people. But I would counter that.

As I’ve mentioned before, every exercise isn’t for everybody. In like manner, every bit of nutrition advice isn’t for every one either.

Why Am I So Hungry At Night?

Before we go any further, let’s discuss a few reasons that you may be hungry when you’re winding down for the day. There are two many reasons.

You’re actually thirsty.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the body doesn’t have a clear signal to let you know that you’re thirsty. Sometimes your stomach growls when you’re in need of liquids, but you think you’re hungry.

If it’s later in the evening and you feel hungry, drink 12 to 16 ounces of water and then wait 20 minutes. If the hunger returns, follow the guidelines listed later in this post. If if doesn’t, head to bed. You were just thirsty.

You’re under your calorie count for the day.

If you count your calories, then you know precisely how much you can eat at any point in the day. However, if you’re not a calorie counter, you may be surprised that you’re hungry at an odd time.

If you’re significantly under your calorie consumption for the day, your body will let you know. But you shouldn’t just eat anything.

Balance is the Key

I think everyone knows that they key to a healthy lifestyle is balance. Whether we’re discussing your work/life balance, a balanced diet or making time for both friends and family. Too much of one thing – good or bad – simply isn’t healthy.

If you’re wondering, “Can I eat after 8:00 pm?” The answer is, “Yes.”

If your next question is, “Won’t that make me gain weight?” The answer is, “It depends?”

What you choose to eat after 8:00 pm is just as important as what you chose to eat at 1:30 pm.

When choosing something to eat later at night, consider the foods that you’ve eaten through out the day. You may also opt for something healthy, like fruits or nuts.

Choosing What to Eat After 8:00 pm

If you’ve determined that you need to eat something after 8:00 pm, choose wisely.

If you have left over chicken fried rice or lobster ravioli, those might be a little too heavy if you’re going straight to bed. However, if that’s what you have a taste for, perhaps you could take a couple of bites and drink 8 ounces of water.

The best options for eating later at night are fresh fruits and vegetables along with some thing light.

Gaining weight if you eat after 8:00 pm doesn’t have to happen. If you make healthy eating choices for those late night cravings, you’ll be just fine!

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s success!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!

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