6 Minute Core Workout #2

6 Minute Core Workout #2

A few weeks ago, we talked about 20 Core Exercises that didn’t include traditional crunches or sit-ups. This week we’ll be doing Core Workout #2, the second 6-minute workouts focused on the core.

As you know, my goal is to show you how to get fit at home, so I post workout videos from the comfort of my own home. These videos are not perfect by any means, and I’m okay with that. Most of the time I record them early in the morning to kick start my day. They are real-life workouts.

This is a Tabata style workout that features 2 Core Exercises: Vertical Scissors and Vertical Toe Touches. One round of Tabata is four minutes long. By adding a short warm-up and a quick cool down, we get a six-minute workout. That will jumpstart your metabolism today…especially if you do the workout first thing in the morning, like I do. The descriptions for each exercise are listed below.

Clock Abs

  • Prop up on elbows with floor
  • Hold legs at 45-degree angle
  • Circle legs CW twenty seconds, like you’re drawing a circle on the wall with your toes

Heel Touches

  • Lie on back w/ legs bent in chair position and arms straight in the air
  • Reach to the right side and touch right hand to right heel, then alternate to other side
  • Keep shoulders in contact with the floor at all times
  • Even if you don’t touch your heels, you should still get a good side crunch.

The Next Steps

Next week, I will feature two more exercises in another workout. The workout will be approximately 6 minutes long.

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6 Minute Core Workout #1

6 Minute Core Workout #1

Last week, we talked about 20 Core Exercises that didn’t include traditional crunches or sit-ups. This week we’ll be doing Core Workout #1, the first of many 6 minute workouts.

As you know, my goal is to show you how to get fit at home, so I post workout videos from the comfort of my own home. These videos are not perfect by any means, and I’m okay with that. Most of the time I record them early in the morning to kick start my day. They are real-life workouts.

This is a Tabata style workout that features 2 Core Exercises: Vertical Scissors and Vertical Toe Touches. One round of Tabata is four minutes long. By adding a short warm-up and a quick cool down, we get a six-minute workout. That will jumpstart your metabolism today…especially if you do the workout first thing in the morning, like I do. The descriptions for each exercise are listed below.

Vertical Scissors

  • Start with hands under butt and legs straight
  • Lift legs to 45-degree angle
  • Then alternate legs between 45-degrees and 75-degrees

Vertical Toe Touches

  • Lie on floor with hands at sides
  • Start with legs straight up in the air
  • With legs straight in the air, lift shoulders off floor and try to touch toes with hands
  • Options:
    • Both arms at the same time*
    • Reach R arm to R foot, then switch
    • Reach R arm to L foot, then switch

The Next Steps

In the coming weeks, I will transform these 20 core exercises into a series of Tabata workouts. Each workout will be 6 minutes long and feature two exercises.

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

20 Core Exercises (Situps are NOT included)

20 Core Exercises

Who doesn’t want firm abs these days?!?! But push-up and crunches are not what folks are looking for. So here are 20 Core Exercises that don’t include traditional crunches or sit ups.

1. Horizontal Scissors

  • Start with hands under butt and legs straight
  • Lift legs to 45-degree angle
  • Then have legs go out to the sides as if doing jumping jacks and cross in the middle

2. Vertical Scissors

  • Start with hands under butt and legs straight
  • Lift legs to 45-degree angle
  • Then alternate legs between 45-degrees and 75-degrees

3. Scissors w/ a Twist

  • Start with legs straight and upper body in C-curve
  • Perform horizontal scissors
  • Twist upper body in opposition

4. Flutter Kick

  • Lie on back with arms out to sides and toes off floor
  • Scissor kick legs making sure they are 3 to 4 inches off the floor

5. Bicycle Crunches

  • Lie on back with leg straight and hands behind head
  • Lift shoulders and legs off floor, keeping neck neutral
  • Bring R knee to chest, hold for a few seconds, then switch
  • Continue alternating

6. Leg Lifts

  • Start with hands under butt and legs straight
  • Lift legs to 45-degree angle
  • Then lower them within a few inches of the floor
  • Legs should not touch the floor when lowered

7. Reverse Crunches

  • Start with hands under butt and legs in upside down V
  • Lift knees toward the chest, lifting butt off floor
  • Keep shoulders and upper back “glued” to the floor

8. Clock Abs (*not featured in video)

  • Prop up on elbows with floor
  • Hold legs at 45-degree angle
  • Circle legs CW twenty seconds
  • Circle legs CCW during the next round

9. Single Leg Drop

  • Lie on the floor with hands under butt
  • Start with legs straight up in the air
  • Lower one leg until it is few inches off the ground
  • Return to starting position
  • Repeat with the other leg
  • Think of this as an exaggerated scissors exercise
  • Control your lower abs and do not allow gravity to take over

10. Vertical Toe Touches

  • Lie on floor with hands at sides
  • Start with legs straight up in the air
  • With legs straight in the air, lift shoulders off floor and try to touch toes with hands
  • Options:
    • Both arms at the same time
    • Reach R arm to R foot, then switch
    • Reach R arm to L foot, then switch

11. Pulse Ups

  • Lie on floor with hands under butt
  • Start with legs straight up in the air
  • Lift legs toward ceiling, lifting butt off floor
  • Imagine that you’re trying to place your footprints on the ceiling

12. Windshield Wipers

  • Lie on back w/ legs bent in chair position and arms to the sides
    • Keep knees tight together and move them to the right, the center and the left
    • Keep abs engaged and do not allow gravity to take over
    • Knees should not touch the floor
    • Keep shoulders in contact with the floor at all times

13. Dead Bug

  • Lie on back w/ legs bent in chair position and arms to the sides
  • Extend R leg while lowering L arm to the ground, then return to starting position.
  • Do the same with L leg and R arm

14. Heel Touches

  • Lie on back w/ legs bent in chair position and arms straight in the air
  • Reach to the right side and touch right hand to right heel, then alternate to other side
  • Keep shoulders in contact with the floor at all times

15. Bow

  • Lie on right side with arms and legs fully extended w/ body aligned
  • Lift and lower arms and legs to the ceiling simultaneously
  • Legs, shoulders and arms do not touch the floor
  • Switch sides

16. Seated Angled Bow

  • Balance on butt with knees together and heels off floor
  • Roll onto left butt cheek and bring heel to right side of body
  • Return to starting position and repeat to other side
  • (Make sure your feet are off the floor to get the maximum effect.)

17. V-Sit

  • Sit with back at a 45-degree angle, legs in broken V and hands out in front
  • Hold as long a possible
  • Options
    • Lift heels from floor
    • Lift legs in air at 45-degree angle
    • Move arms either out to sides, straight in air over head or in line with upper body

18. V-Sit w/ Alternating Knee Lift

  • Sit with back at a 45-degree angle, legs in broken V and hands out in front
  • Bring R knee to chest, return to floor, bring L knee to chest, return to floor, repeat
  • Upper body remains at 45-degree angle the entire time.

19. Russian Twist

  • Sit with back at a 45-degree angle, legs in broken V and hands together at chest
  • Twist torso making R elbow touch floor; return to center, twist to the left
  • Upper body remains at 45-degree angle the entire time.

20. Earthquake

  • Sit with back straight and legs and arm out in front
  • Lean back to 45-degree angle and hold for as long as possible, reset if necessary

The Next Steps

In the coming weeks, I will transform these 20 core exercises into a series of Tabata workouts.

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