Boot Camps

Get ready for an 8-week group training program based on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) using the 20-10 format. Participating in weekly workouts will result in successful weight loss and muscle gain. The program also uses metabolic tracking and 24/7 web support which helps deliver amazing results.


  • Daily six-minute workout (homework)
  • Online component – log fitness results, mark homework, etc
  • Nutrition component with access to a new healthy recipe every day
  • 24/7 web support
  • Community and support
  • Two to four 60-minute workouts each week


  • Daily six-minute workout (homework)
  • Online component – log fitness results, mark homework, etc
  • Nutrition component with access to a new healthy recipe every day
  • 24/7 web support
  • Community and support
  • Two to four online workouts each week
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