Prior to becoming an endurance athlete, I had no idea that long workouts and exercise sessions require you to eat while you’re working out in order to maintain your stamina. My coach told me that we should consume 100 calories every hour we’re engaged in exercise.
Please note that I am not a nutritionist or dietician, and the information on this page should not be considered any type of advice. I’m simply sharing some resources that I have found helpful over the years.
If you have any health issues or food allergies, please consult your doctor and carefully read the labels before consuming any of these products.
These resources do not contain any affiliate links. I will not be compensated or receive any sort of financial gain if you click the links and make any purchases. The links are here for your convenience.

Honey Stingers
These are my favorite! They’re basically flavored honey that. I eat one before an hour-long workout or run and carry some with me.
They have a ton of different flavors and have both organic and non-organic versions. Most of them are gluten free.

Jelly Belly Sport Beans
These are my second favorite! I love Jelly Belly jelly beans, so I was really excited to discover these.
You’re supposed to take them thirty minutes before your workout. They also have some they were designed to be taken after your workout to assist with your recovery.