Reasons to Get Fit at Home

4 Reasons to Get Fit at Home

We’re one week into the new year! If you drive past any gym or fitness facility, there’s one thought that probably crosses your mind…”There’s a TON of people in there!!!” A lot of people resolve to lose weight or to get fit when January rolls around. But losing weight and getting fit are among the top 10 resolutions that are broken.

Why? Mainly because people who haven’t been to the gym in a long time decide to go several times a week. Unfortunately, some don’t really know what they’re doing. Others become intimidated. In both cases, they stop going.

There’s nothing wrong with a gym membership. In fact, if you have the money, like working out in the company of others, enjoy the variety of fitness classes that are offered, and have the opportunity (and discipline) to go on a regular basis then a gym membership is perfect for you.

However, if you’re pretty much starting at the beginning, here are four reasons you may want to get fit at home.


Getting fit at home gives you the opportunity to exercise when you want.

Most fitness facilities aren’t open 24 hours. Even when there’s a gym that is open for 24 hours, you typically can’t access all areas and programs whenever you want.

When you get fit at home, you can work out at a time that works best for you.


Sometimes working out in public is a little unnerving. You may get the sense that people are watching you and judging you.

Truthfully, they’re probably not paying attention to you. People go to the gym to work out, but that still doesn’t stop you from feeling as though the eyes of others are upon you.

Getting fit at home eliminates those feelings of discomfort because you can more than likely arrange things so that you are working out alone – without an audience.

You can get fit at home!


Fitness centers are definitely not private.

You could bump into virtually anyone at the gym. Your kid’s teacher. That weird person you dated once. The neighbor you’d rather avoid.

Getting fit at home preserves your privacy because no one knows that you’re exercising except for you.


Gym memberships cost money. There are some places that have a sliding scale, so you can pay what you can afford. But you still have to pay. Some people can budget for that. Others don’t have money to spare.

Getting fit a home helps you save money while working on that new healthy habit.

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

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