6 Minute Core Workout #2

6 Minute Core Workout #2

A few weeks ago, we talked about 20 Core Exercises that didn’t include traditional crunches or sit-ups. This week we’ll be doing Core Workout #2, the second 6-minute workouts focused on the core.

As you know, my goal is to show you how to get fit at home, so I post workout videos from the comfort of my own home. These videos are not perfect by any means, and I’m okay with that. Most of the time I record them early in the morning to kick start my day. They are real-life workouts.

This is a Tabata style workout that features 2 Core Exercises: Vertical Scissors and Vertical Toe Touches. One round of Tabata is four minutes long. By adding a short warm-up and a quick cool down, we get a six-minute workout. That will jumpstart your metabolism today…especially if you do the workout first thing in the morning, like I do. The descriptions for each exercise are listed below.

Clock Abs

  • Prop up on elbows with floor
  • Hold legs at 45-degree angle
  • Circle legs CW twenty seconds, like you’re drawing a circle on the wall with your toes

Heel Touches

  • Lie on back w/ legs bent in chair position and arms straight in the air
  • Reach to the right side and touch right hand to right heel, then alternate to other side
  • Keep shoulders in contact with the floor at all times
  • Even if you don’t touch your heels, you should still get a good side crunch.

The Next Steps

Next week, I will feature two more exercises in another workout. The workout will be approximately 6 minutes long.

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