4 Ways to Stay Grounded During Tough Times

Today’s post is a little different than usual. You haven’t seen me in a while because things have been tough lately, and I just haven’t had much motivation. Though things have gotten a bit better for me personally, the whole world is in a weird state of chaos mixed with uncertainty.

Instead of talking about physical health, I wanted to talk about mental health. I’m not an expert in this field. I just want to share what’s been working for me lately.

#1: Keep Moving

Schools, fitness facilities, churches and some places of business are shutting down indefinitely. We’re being told to self-quarantine or practice social distancing to slow the spread of the virus. However, that doesn’t mean that we stay in our home and do nothing.

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Instead of staying glued to the TV for the latest news update, get your sweat on! Pause your streaming service for an hour or to go for a long walk or hop on YouTube and follow a workout video.

#2: Maintain a Schedule

We’re creatures of habit. Most of us wake up at the same time every day. Then we go through an almost identical morning routine because we have to be at work at the same time every day. But what do you when your business shuts down indefinitely and you have nowhere to go each day? You create another schedule

Most folks have things they’ve been meaning to get around to. We even have projects that we’ve been putting off until we have more time. This is the perfect opportunity to work on those things by creating a schedule.

If you work an eight-hour shift, I’m not suggesting that you create a schedule for every minute of your workday. However, I would suggest that you keep your same morning routine so that when work resumes, you’re good to go. Beyond that, you should schedule some things you need to do, some things you’ve been putting off and some fun things, too.

#3: Keep in Touch

This is one is especially for introverted single folk, like me, who live alone. However, it applies to others, as well. This is prime real estate for us. We have a legitimate reason to pull inside of ourselves and cut off all contact with the rest of the world. Let’s not do that.

One of the best ways to stay grounded is to connect with other people. While we may not be able to meet up with people face-to-face, we can FaceTime, Skype, host Zoom meetings and do Google hangouts. Check on the folks you love and let them know you’re okay.

#4: Go Offline

Turn off the TV. Go on Facebook fast. Stay off YouTube. Things are already bad enough. Just take one day – a full 24 hours – with no media or technology. You might be surprised how grounded you feel…and how much time you have.

This Too Shall Pass

Things won’t always be this way! They’ll get better! I promise.

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

3 Reasons to Do Low-Impact Exercises

There aren’t too many fitness professionals out there advocating low-impact exercises. In the age of cross-fit and HIIT, some think that the more intense the work out the better. I don’t believe that. In fact, I encourage people to engage in low-impact exercises.

What are low-impact exercises?

Low-impact exercises include any form of physical activity that has a “low-impact” on your joints. Exercises like walking, bike riding, swimming, and yoga. It’s even possible to convert a number of high-impact exercises, like jumping jacks, to low-impact exercises.

There are four distinct reasons people may want (or need) to consider low-impact exercises.

Reason #1: Change Things Up

The human body is completely adaptable. Your workout starts to seem ineffective if you always to do the same thing. However, incorporating some low-impact moves can help get things going again.

Reason #2: Increase Intensity and Preserve Your Joints

Some people are convinced that you can’t get a good workout with low-impact exercises. That’s not true. In reality, you can have super intense low-impact workouts that produce more sweat than some high-impact workouts. How? If your high impact workout, requires a great deal of jumping, you can only jump for so long. Your knees and ankles will eventually need a break from all the pressures. However, switching to a low impact form of the same exercises will enable to have longer more intense sessions because your joints won’t suffer.

Reason #3: Build Strength and Endurance

If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, you might not be in the best shape right now. You may even have a significant amount of weight to lose right now. The idea of doing plank jacks, burpees and high knees probably sounds a bit intimidating or even painful. Starting out with low-impact exercises allows you to gain strength and see just how far you can grow in your fitness. When you’re ready, you can switch out some low-impact exercises with their high-impact counterpart and see how you feel.

Reason #4: Injury Recovery or Limited Mobility

Every exercise isn’t for every body. In other words, we all have physical limitations. There are things some people simply can’t do as a result of limited mobility and former injury. Someone who blew out their knee playing college football, might not be able to perform jump squats. The person who had shoulder surgery won’t be able to do push-ups or planks. Even so, there are low-impact versions of exercises individuals can do that will help them reach their fitness goals.

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

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Benefits of Bodyweight Training

As you may know, I’m a huge fan of Body Weight Training! I know that I said that before, and I’m sure that I’ll say it again. Here are 3 incredible benefits of bodyweight training.

#1: Affordability

Bodyweight training is extremely affordable! Why? You always carry everything you need for every workout. There’s no need to invest in a home gym. You won’t need any weights or fancy equipment. All you need…is you!

#2: Accessibility

You can workout any time and anywhere! You can perform bodyweight exercises at your desk, in your living room, in a hotel room or in your back yard. Instead of waiting for the gym to open, you can work out first thing in the morning!

#3: Adaptability

When you’re performing bodyweight exercises, you’re not stuck. You don’t have to do a particular exercise a certain way. There are tons of options for nearly every type of bodyweight exercises. Take jumping jacks, for instance. If you have mobility issues or prefer low-impact exercises, you can do one-legged jumping jacks. On the other hand, if you want to up the intensity, you can alternate jumping jacks with stars jumps.

Summing it all up…

There are far more than three benefits of bodyweight training. However, I wanted to showcase the three benefits that are most applicable for getting fit at home.

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

When Should You Workout: How to Figure It Out

A quick glance at the title might cause you to think, “Wait! We talked about this a couple of weeks ago.” But that’s not true. We talked out HOW you can find time for fitness. Today we’re tackling WHEN you should workout during the day.

Here are two quick ways to figure out when you should workout.

Check Your Schedule

Take some time to write down everything you do for three consecutive days. Although you don’t need a minute-by-minute account, it is crucial to t least jot down what you every hour on the hour. It’s typically best to choose at least one day of the weekend in this exercise.

Why am I telling you to recount 72 hours of your week? Most people are creatures of habit, doing the same thing day after day. Our weekends are similar, too. By jotting down precisely what your days look like, you will be able to find pockets of time that you didn’t realize existed.

You will be able to schedule your work out sessions during that time without disrupting anything else in your schedule!

Stay True to You

Some experts say that it’s best to exercise first thing in the morning because it jump-starts your metabolism. Others caution you against exercising in the evening because it may negatively impact your sleep. There are even those who advocate exercising in the middle of the workday to help boost productivity.

Regardless of what anyone says is the best time to get in a workout, you have to do what’s best for you.

If you’re not a morning person, don’t commit to a 5 am run. If you’re in bed by 8:30 every night, don’t plan to workout at 7:30 in the evening.

Putting it All Together

Though it seems alarmingly simple, looking closely at your existing schedule and staying true to yourself are the best ways to figure out when you should work out during the day. In some cases, you’ll exchange downtime for exercise. In other cases, you may replace watching TV with working out. In all cases, you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

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Creating an Exercise Regimen

4 Tips for Creating an Exercise Regimen

One of the most challenging things to do when starting your fitness journey is figuring out your exercise regimen, as in what are you supposed to do. You may know what you need to do, but you don’t have much experience in creating an exercise regimen.

The first month of 2020 is over in a little over a week! If you’re reading this post, that means you made a commitment to get fit this year.

Here are four quick tips for creating a manageable and realistic exercise regimen.

Tip #1: Be True to Yourself

This is super important. There are a ton of fitness trends out there. If you do a little research on the best or most effective types of exercise, you’ll find support for nearly everything.

Some will sing the praises of Zumba Fitness. There will be strong advocates for hitting the weight room. Others will say that CrossFit is what’s best. Then there’s the group that’s in favor of pounding pavement, and running for weight loss.

It may sound hard to believe, but all of them are right…for themselves. However, what works for them might not work for you.

To create an exercise regimen that you’ll stick with, it is super important for you to be true to yourself and your interests. If you despise running, avoid joining a program geared to race preparation. Don’t sign up for a dance fitness class if you hate dancing…even if all of your friends are begging you to join then.

Find out what you like to do and create your exercise regimen based on that.

Tip #2: Be Specific

It’s also crucial to know exactly what you want your outcome to be. In the words of Steve Covey, “Begin with the end in mind.” In other words, you need to know your outcomes, or desired results, before you begin creating that regimen.

Creating an exercise regimen without knowing your outcomes is like planning a vacation with no destination.

Tip #3: Start Small

Doing something small every day will pave the way for creating an exercise regimen.

A common mistake people make when attempting to create an exercise regimen is either to work out nearly every day of the week or to really long and intense exercise sessions. Quite honestly, there’s nothing wrong with either of those pursuits. However, they should probably serve as the end goal rather than a starting point.

It’s better to start small. Aim for ten minutes of exercise twice a week that first week. It might not sound like much, but those small successes will feel like major victories.

Tip #4: Be Consistent

If you haven’t exercised in a while, you’re going to need to discipline yourself. You’ll have to work out when you simply don’t want to.

The keys to success here it to keep it at it until it becomes second nature.

Need Some Help?

Creating an exercise regimen is a lot like creating a healthy habit. By clicking “5 Steps fo Creating a Habit” when you complete the form below, you will be well on your way!

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

Finding Time for Fitness

5 Tips for Finding Time for Fitness

Busy, busy, busy! Our days are jam-packed with meetings, appointments, and responsibilities. Finding time for fitness is virtually impossible.

We’re so concerned with everyone else that we don’t really look out for ourselves. In fact, we may have every intention of getting in a quick workout. But that intention does nothing but remain an intention.

There are those who have no problem setting aside a specific amount of time for exercise every day. Then there are those who sacrifice their work out to meet the needs of others.

If you’re having a little trouble finding time to workout, I hope you find these tips helpful.

Tip #1: Use Your Lunch Break

Regardless of where you work, you get some type of lunch break. If you’re a teacher or you work in an office, chances are you might have a tendency to work through your lunch. If you’re a stay at home mom or homeschooling parent, your lunch may be surrounded by little ones of a place of solitude. If you work from home, you might forget to take time for your lunch, but we’ll address that another day.

However, you can sneak 15 to 30 minutes of fitness into your day by splitting your lunch break in half. Take the first half to work out. Take a brisk walk around the building (or outside, if the weather permits). Find a quiet space to do some yoga or pilates. Do a couple of my six minutes workouts.

It doesn’t really matter what you do, just get moving for half of your lunch break, then eat a light, sensible lunch before heading back to work.

Tip #2: Have a Walking Meeting

We sit down A LOT when we’re at work.

Instead of sitting in the conference room or the classroom when it’s time for your team meeting, why not take it outside and have a moving meeting.

Research indicates that exercise stimulates your mind, so you may come up with solutions to a couple of problems while you’re moving. Plus getting as little as thirty minutes of daylight can help improve your sleep.

Tip #3: Skip the Elevator

Taking the stairs is one way to add a little more fitness into your day.

Waiting for the elevator – and the subsequent ride to your floor – wastes some really awesome calorie-burning time.

By simply taking the stairs instead of riding that elevator, there’s no telling how many extra calories you can burn each day. You can even incorporate some strength building by taking the stairs two or three at a time. Doing so is very similar to doing a set of lunges.

If you work in a high-rise office building, it might not be feasible for you to take the stairs the whole way. Consider taking the elevator a portion of the way and walking the rest of the way.

Tip #4: Skip the Email

It is so easy to shoot an email to a colleague while you’re sitting there working on a project.

However, walking from your workspace to their workspace does two things: 1) It allows you to get a little more exercise into your day. 2) It helps build a relationship by adding human interaction.

Tip #5: Take the Scenic Route

Another way to sneak some fitness into your day is to go out of your way to complete daily tasks.

Walk to the restroom that’s on a different floor or section of the building instead of the one that’s really close to your workspace. Park in the space that farthest away from the door. Take the long way back fo your desk after a break. Do everything you can to sneak a little more fitness into your day.

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

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Reasons to Get Fit at Home

4 Reasons to Get Fit at Home

We’re one week into the new year! If you drive past any gym or fitness facility, there’s one thought that probably crosses your mind…”There’s a TON of people in there!!!” A lot of people resolve to lose weight or to get fit when January rolls around. But losing weight and getting fit are among the top 10 resolutions that are broken.

Why? Mainly because people who haven’t been to the gym in a long time decide to go several times a week. Unfortunately, some don’t really know what they’re doing. Others become intimidated. In both cases, they stop going.

There’s nothing wrong with a gym membership. In fact, if you have the money, like working out in the company of others, enjoy the variety of fitness classes that are offered, and have the opportunity (and discipline) to go on a regular basis then a gym membership is perfect for you.

However, if you’re pretty much starting at the beginning, here are four reasons you may want to get fit at home.


Getting fit at home gives you the opportunity to exercise when you want.

Most fitness facilities aren’t open 24 hours. Even when there’s a gym that is open for 24 hours, you typically can’t access all areas and programs whenever you want.

When you get fit at home, you can work out at a time that works best for you.


Sometimes working out in public is a little unnerving. You may get the sense that people are watching you and judging you.

Truthfully, they’re probably not paying attention to you. People go to the gym to work out, but that still doesn’t stop you from feeling as though the eyes of others are upon you.

Getting fit at home eliminates those feelings of discomfort because you can more than likely arrange things so that you are working out alone – without an audience.

You can get fit at home!


Fitness centers are definitely not private.

You could bump into virtually anyone at the gym. Your kid’s teacher. That weird person you dated once. The neighbor you’d rather avoid.

Getting fit at home preserves your privacy because no one knows that you’re exercising except for you.


Gym memberships cost money. There are some places that have a sliding scale, so you can pay what you can afford. But you still have to pay. Some people can budget for that. Others don’t have money to spare.

Getting fit a home helps you save money while working on that new healthy habit.

Don’t forget to hop on that scale today and see where you are. If you didn’t lose anything, but you maintained where you were last week…that’s a major win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

Create Habits Not Resolutions.

3 Reasons to Create Habits Not Resolutions

It’s the start of a brand new year, and there are tons of posters and ads with the slogan:

New year! New You!

There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it makes perfect sense to want to start fresh when the year resets…especially if the previous year wasn’t all that great.

However, a common mistake that many of us unwittingly make is making resolutions instead of creating new habits.

To get the most out of 2020, I’m going to share three reasons we should focus on creating habits instead of making resolutions.

Reason #1: Resolutions are Simply Decisions

Most resolutions don’t take a great deal of careful consideration. They’re just decisions.

We simply look at our current situation and decide that things need to change. If we gained weight, we make resolutions to eat better or to lose weight. If we loathe our jobs, we make resolutions to take some course or do something to make sure we’re not stuck in that place for long.

The challenge with resolutions is the fact that a decision doesn’t imply a commitment or include a plan. In fact, we can easily change our minds and rescind the resolution.

Reason #2: Creating a Habit is Like Setting a Goal

It takes time and intentionality to create a habit.

Of course, some habits are formed by people avoiding something on a daily basis, but even that process takes place to over time. It’s not like someone wakes up, decides to stop smoking and kick that habit in one day.

I’m sure there are some who have quit cold turkey or go from zero to 60 when it comes to creating new habits, but for most people, it’s a process that’s not too different than the SMART goal-setting process.

Ensuring that the new habit that you are creating is smart, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound will lead you to be far more successful than if you simply made a resolution.

Reason #3: Habits are Trackable and Measurable

Resolutions are all or nothing. Either you do the thing you resolved to do, or you don’t. There’s no middle ground. There’s little room for improvement. There are no steps to success; it’s either done or it’s not.

Creating a habit isn’t like that, especially if you use the SMART goal-setting process. As you’re creating a new habit you can set yourself up for success by building short term goals or checkpoints within your long-range goal.

That way you’ll have a lot of small successes that will serve as encouragement and inspiration as you continue toward making that habit part of your new daily routine.

Next Steps

If you’re ready to transform your resolutions into habits, you can sign up for my free email course! In a few days, you’ll be well on your way to creating a life-changing healthy habit. Just complete the form below and click the box in front of “5 Steps to Creating a Healthy Habit!”

It’s the first Wednesday of the year! Hop on the scale and determine your starting point. This is the perfect way to track your new habit!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

Meal Prep vs Meal Planning

Meal prep vs Meal planning. What in the world do either of them have to do with getting fit?!?!?

In a word: everything!

Eating properly is crucial if we intend to be successful in our fitness journeys. But eating properly is time-consuming.  Despite that fact, we still do our best to eat healthily. We head to the grocery store and buy fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. But we still don’t eat differently. Why? Because either there’s no plan or we didn’t prepare anything.

Incorporating meal planning and meal prep into your daily schedule will allow you to revolutionize your eating habits. But a lot of people tend to ask, “Which one should I do? What’s right for me: Meal Planning or Meal Prep? What’s the difference?”

We’ll tackle all of that today.

What is Meal Planning?

Meal planning is simply planning what you’re going to eat during a specific amount of time. This could be done for a family or an individual. 

The benefits of meal planning are that it decreases the chances of overeating because you can log your meals into your calorie count as you plan them so that you know precisely where are you are on a given day. 

The drawback is that some people think it is too restrictive, but it’s not. Nothing is set in stone. As long as you switch foods with similar calorie counts you’ll be perfectly fine. Especially if you maintain the nutritional content. 

What is Meal Prep?

Meal prep is simply preparing your meals in advance. It could occur in different forms. 

  • You could actually take one day a week as a single person to cook large meals. Then place those meals in food storage containers. You’ll have lunch and dinner prepared for the remainder of the week. 
  • You could prep ingredients for different meals. Suppose you want to eat a fresh veggie salad for dinner every day. However, you have no interest in chopping up vegetables before work each morning. You could take one day to chop all of your vegetables. Then place them in individual airtight containers in the fridge. When it’s time for you to assemble the salad, just take out those containers. 
  • You could take some time on Sunday afternoon to assemble a week’s worth of breakfast and lunch for the members of your household. Simply make sure that everything is clearly labeled so picky eaters and folks with food sensitivities don’t get the wrong lunch.

The benefits are that it saves a great deal of time. Plus it helps you maintain proper eating habits by allowing you to control your portions. 

A major drawback is that it can be very time-consuming.

Which Works Best?

Here’s where we tackle the question of Meal prep vs Meal planning.

There are those who think meal planning is the way to go. They’re the type of people who feel that a solid plan is all they need to be successful.

Other all but swear by meal prep. They consider it a lifesaver and feel that they lead much more productive lives because of it. 

I firmly believe that meal prep and meal planning work best in concert with one another. Both are essential for your fitness journey. In fact, they are opposite sides of the same coin. Ideally, one would plan the meals and snacks prior to preparing those meals and snacks.

Prepping meals without planning when those meals will be consumed results in a lot of wasted food. You know what you’re going to eat, but you just don’t know when. As a result, you forget the food is in the fridge, and it just ends up getting tossed. 

Planning meals without prepping means you’ll be spending a whole lot of time in the kitchen. That may be okay for some folks, but I don’t have that kind of time.

Next Steps

If this is new to you, it might be a little intimidating. The idea of sitting down and organizing what are you going to eat and when you’re going to eat it can be very overwhelming, but that’s why I’m here. I have created some amazing free resources to help you get this all figured. I’ll walk you through that next week!

Hopping on the Scale! 

Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Four Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Weight loss! It’s one of the many positive side effects of getting fit. However, you may get to a point where you’re doing everything you know to do, but the scale never changes. If you’re facing that right now, please know that there are specific reasons you’re not losing weight.

For several weeks, I’ve hopped on the scale every Wednesday, and I can honestly say that the numbers on the scale have been consistently inconsistent. Sometimes the number goes down by two pounds one week, but the next week it goes up by 1.5 pounds. Since I’ve also been counting my calories, monitoring my water consumption and tracking my exercise, I’ve noticed some interesting trends.

I’ve come to realize there are four distinct reasons why my weight fluctuates from week to week. Because you’re on this fitness journey with me, I’ve decided to weigh in on why we’re not losing weight.

Reason #1: You’re Not Eating Enough

Logically speaking, if you want to lose weight you should eat less, but when it comes to the human body nothing is logical. Calories are energy, and we all need a basic amount of energy to simply get going. Though it may sound hard to believe, not eating enough can actually cause you to gain weight. You can’t run on empty; no one can. If you consistently consume fewer calories than your body needs, it will simply “hold on” to what you’ve eaten, storing it for later because it’s not sure when the next round of energy (meal) is coming.

The amount of calories you need to consume depends on how much you weigh and how active you are. In short, the more active you are, the more you’ll need to eat. Healthline.com has a Calorie Calculator  that will show you how many calories you should consume on a daily basis to maintain your weight, to lose weight, or to lose weight fast. However, it’s important to note that all calories aren’t created equally.

Reason #2: You’re Not Eating The Right Foods

You know that you’re consuming the proper amount of calories, but you’re still not losing any weight. Maybe it’s time to look at what you’re eating. What you’re eating is another factor that comes into play where weight loss is concerned. Suppose you wanted to consume 300 calories for breakfast. You could have (Option A) one scrambled egg and a cup of rice, (Option B) one glazed doughnut, or (Option C) a vegan omelette with a side of berries.

Certain foods such as raw fruits and vegetables help expel waste from your body. The more of those foods you eat, the more you’ll be able to lose unnecessary waste in your body.

Reason #3: You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

You may have heard that water flushes out impurities. That means water helps eliminate toxins from your system, toxins that could be causing you to hang on to extra weight.

If you’ve ever attempted to drink the recommended amount of water for your weight, you’ve probably wondered about a few things. Like why you have to pee ALL the time, why your pee super dark, or why it smells, it’s because of the impurities or toxins that are in your system. If you stick with it, you’ll notice that you will have to use the restroom less and your urine will become more clear. The more clear your urine is, the least toxic it is.

Did you know that water can serve as a natural appetite suppressant? Drinking water before a meal causes you to feel somewhat full prior to taking your first bite. If you sip water between bites during a meal you will end up eating less. In both cases, the end result of drinking more water would be weight loss.

Reason #4: You’re Exercising Enough

You may already know that there are some amazing things that happen when you exercise: your metabolism increases, you burn calories and your bowels are stimulated. All three of those amazing things provide solid proof that exercise is the most effective avenue for losing weight.

Even so, there are times when you getting your workout in every day and working up a good sweat, but nothing is happening in terms of weight loss.

During those times, it is imperative to reassess your exercise regime. If all you do is cardio, it might be time to do some strength training. If you take a thirty-minute walk every day, it might be time to up the ante by transforming that walk to a jog. Making even a very subtle change to your workout schedule can result in a couple lost pounds in one week.

What now?

If any or all of those reasons you’re not losing weight resonate you’re probably thinking, “What in the world am I supposed to do now!?!?!”

My free email course, 5 Steps to Creating a Healthy Habit will lead you through everything you need to do.

Hopping on the Scale!

Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s still a win!

Follow Get Fit with Charity on FacebookPinterest and Instagram!

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