Can I Eat After 8:00 pm?

Is it okay to eat after 8:00 pm?

I was always that if you eat after 8:00 pm, you’ll gain weight. Your body simply won’t have time to burn off the calories before you go to sleep.

As a result, I went to bed without eating quite often. However, I’d wake up between 11 pm and 2 pm, ravenously hungry. Then head to the kitchen to get something to eat, not caring where the calories went. I should note that eating after 8:00 pm didn’t cause me to gain weight.

Who Placed Deadlines on Daily Meals?

I’m not sure who came up with the magical time of 8:00 pm for evening meals to cease. I’m guessing it was a dietician or doctor who conducted a study. I would bet that the findings were for a specific group of people. It probably also had something to do with when people went to bed.

Someone probably took those results and applied them to the general population. Because the statement was backed by science, people assumed it had to be true for all people. But I would counter that.

As I’ve mentioned before, every exercise isn’t for everybody. In like manner, every bit of nutrition advice isn’t for every one either.

Why Am I So Hungry At Night?

Before we go any further, let’s discuss a few reasons that you may be hungry when you’re winding down for the day. There are two many reasons.

You’re actually thirsty.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the body doesn’t have a clear signal to let you know that you’re thirsty. Sometimes your stomach growls when you’re in need of liquids, but you think you’re hungry.

If it’s later in the evening and you feel hungry, drink 12 to 16 ounces of water and then wait 20 minutes. If the hunger returns, follow the guidelines listed later in this post. If if doesn’t, head to bed. You were just thirsty.

You’re under your calorie count for the day.

If you count your calories, then you know precisely how much you can eat at any point in the day. However, if you’re not a calorie counter, you may be surprised that you’re hungry at an odd time.

If you’re significantly under your calorie consumption for the day, your body will let you know. But you shouldn’t just eat anything.

Balance is the Key

I think everyone knows that they key to a healthy lifestyle is balance. Whether we’re discussing your work/life balance, a balanced diet or making time for both friends and family. Too much of one thing – good or bad – simply isn’t healthy.

If you’re wondering, “Can I eat after 8:00 pm?” The answer is, “Yes.”

If your next question is, “Won’t that make me gain weight?” The answer is, “It depends?”

What you choose to eat after 8:00 pm is just as important as what you chose to eat at 1:30 pm.

When choosing something to eat later at night, consider the foods that you’ve eaten through out the day. You may also opt for something healthy, like fruits or nuts.

Choosing What to Eat After 8:00 pm

If you’ve determined that you need to eat something after 8:00 pm, choose wisely.

If you have left over chicken fried rice or lobster ravioli, those might be a little too heavy if you’re going straight to bed. However, if that’s what you have a taste for, perhaps you could take a couple of bites and drink 8 ounces of water.

The best options for eating later at night are fresh fruits and vegetables along with some thing light.

Gaining weight if you eat after 8:00 pm doesn’t have to happen. If you make healthy eating choices for those late night cravings, you’ll be just fine!

Hopping on the Scale! Don’t forget to hop on the scale and see where you are this week. Remember: if you were able to maintain and not gain, that’s success!

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