It’s A Brand New Year!
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely LOVE January 1st! I haven’t really thought about it, but I think it might be my favorite day of the year next to my birthday. And yes, I’m one of those people who loves their birthday.
I actually love the entire month of December because it leads up to….New Year’s Day!!!! In December most people are obsessed with roasting chestnuts, Rudolph and jolly ol’ St. Nick. I spend a great deal of time reflecting on the previous eleven months.
I don’t meant to imply that I don’t get caught up in the holiday spirit – because I do. I’m just more concerned with how my year measured up.
There was a time when I created elaborate vision boards with SMART goals to help my vision for the next year become a reality. I don’t do those anymore.
A few years ago, I mentioned why I’m not in favor of resolutions. So that’s not why I love New Year’s Day so much.
I love the first day of January because it’s the first day of a new beginning. And for me that means another chance to move toward lasting change.
Two Books = A Major Decision
I concluded 2023 by reading two books: Single. On Purpose by John Kim and Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. (Full disclosure: I read Shonda’s book a few years ago, and I just wanted to read it again.)
I chose to read those books because I had a feeling they were going to have a significant impact on my life.
See 2023 was really rough on me.
- Receiving the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease answered a lot of questions regarding different things going on in my body, but it also resulted in painful treatment programs .
- An x-ray revealed a bone spur on my cervical spine, prompting me to slow down a bit.
- My love of teaching fitness classes all but evaporated when a supervisor confirmed that being an instructor at the facility was a popularity contest.
- Finally, I left space in my life for someone, who was totally wrong for me, to come back if he wanted to.
Reading those two books helped me see that I’d been saying no to myself. So much of what I did last year was because of other people. I have also been living as a single person by default.
So I have decided to embark on my own year of yes.
Don’t ask me what that means because I don’t exactly know right now. Time will tell. To get things started, I’ve come up with the following intentional Yeses! (I’m not sure if that’s a real word, but spell-check didn’t flag it, so I’m rolling with it.)
Intentional Yes #1: Yes to Socializing
I am one of the least social people that I know. Last year, I went to my day job. Then I taught up to eight fitness classes a week. And that’s it. Sometimes I went to a movie by myself. Sometimes I hung out with family. Other than that I was at home.
This year I intend to go to take some classes. Join a ministry. I might even volunteer somewhere.
Intentional Yes #2: Yes to Being Single. On Purpose.
Sometimes married people tell me their jealous of me. When I ask them why, they say that I’m so lucky because I don’t have a husband or kids, so all my money, time and space are mine. However, I’ve been living like a hermit. Totally embarrassed and ashamed to go places and do things because I’m all alone.
This year I intend to do fun things by myself. On purpose. Alone. No matter how awkward or uncomfortable I feel. I will hold my head high and own the fact that I am alone in a crowd.
Intentional Yes #3: Yes to My Natural Hair
I have alopecia. It’s one of the symptoms of my autoimmune disease, and this is the first time I’ve actually said it in public. It’s not as scary as I thought it would be since I know that maybe three people will actually see this.
There have always been issues with my hair, but I’ve just covered it up with braids, weaves, wigs, and ponytails. Nothing is wrong with any of those. But I just want to come out of hiding, so my natural hair will be out more often.
I’m sure I’ll still sport some braids or throw on a wig from time to time, but my natural hair will also be out more often.
Intentional Yes #3: Yes to Me
I didn’t start this blog for me. I did it to help a family member lose weight. I was going to chronicle her weight lost journey, but that didn’t happen. Then I revamped it to focus on getting fit at home, but I didn’t stick with it.
Now I’m focusing on me…not in a selfish way. I mean, rather than try to get likes and followers, I’m simply going to share my story as I focus on taking care of me.
How Does THIS Topic Relate to Fitness?!?!?
Right about now – actually it may have started several paragraphs ago – you might be thinking, “I thought this was a fitness blog.”
It is! But today’s topic isn’t about the traditional view to fitness. It doesn’t have anything to do with physical strength or muscular endurance.
The way I see true fitness is making sure that your body, you soul and your mind are sufficiently cared for. I haven’t been terribly kind to my body. This year, I intend to do better.
See you next time!
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