28 for 28 Challenge

28 for 28 Challenge

January is quickly coming to a close. If you’re anything like 75% of Americans, you made a resolution this year. It probably had something to do with leading a healthy lifestyle.

We’re 28 days into the new year. It’s possible that you haven’t been as successful as you hoped you would be. That’s why I’m here to tell you about the 28 for 28 Challenge.

Habits Rather Than Resolutions

Three years ago, I posted an article about why we should create habits rather than make resolutions. However, people have made resolutions for generations. It seems like what we’re supposed to do at the end of the year.

If you’re still going strong with your resolution(s), then the 28 for 28 Challenge isn’t for you. But maybe you’re still struggling to gain traction.

If you really want to make positive changes in your life; this challenge was created just for you. It’s all about building good habits.

How to Form a Habit

It’s been said that it takes 28 days to form a habit. That may seem like a long time, but in the overall scheme of things, it’s not. Twenty-eight days out of a lifetime is like a raindrop in the ocean. It’s a tiny increment that’s part of a much larger thing.

There are all sorts of habits that we’ve created without every thinking about them. Having a daily cup of coffee. Watching the nightly news. Checking our social media accounts during lunch. We automatically do tons of other things, too.

The 28 for 28 Challenge is a concrete way for us to be intentional about creating an exercise habit.

The 28 for 28 Challenge helps you create new habits!

The Challenge in a Nutshell

The 28 for 28 Challenge is simple. For each of the 28 days in the month of February do 28 minutes of movement. What you do is up do you.

Maybe your resolution was to walk more. Take a look at your schedule. Then plan a 28 minute walk after dinner or during your lunch for 28 days.

Suppose you wanted to become more flexible. Well, you could do 28 minutes of stretching before bed for 28 days.

I want to develop a habit of swimming. I plan to get in the pool and swim for 28 minutes ever day in February.

28 Minutes Seems Long

If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking, “28 minutes?!?! That’s almost half an hour. That’s too hard!”

My response is you’re right, but you’re wrong. Twenty-eight minutes is nearly half an hour, but it’s not too hard. If it were easy, it wouldn’t be a challenge.

If the idea of doing some form of physical activity for 28 consecutive minutes is impossible for you, you can break it up. Try two 14 minute sessions. Or three sessions of 9 minutes and 33 seconds. The goal is for you to complete 28 minutes each day…it doesn’t have to be all at once.

Post Your Progress

If you accept the challenge, I’d love to see how it’s going! Please head over to Facebook or Instagram and post your progress using #getfitwithcharity28for28.

I can’t wait to see those habit’s form.


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